What people are saying.

  • "I can see a huge difference in her leaps - much more consistency getting her back leg up and giving the illusion of longer air time! She's also doing better at locking her arms in position instead of flinging them back, which is a huge improvement over last year. Honestly, her port de bras just looks stronger in general."

    — Stephanie, Client parent

  • "Just wanted to let you know I'm so impressed with the way you are teaching the girls. It's exactly what they need and I think it will help them alot. Just wanted to say thanks."

    — Amber, Client parent

  • “Danika competed her solo and nailed her seconds. She came running offstage and gave me the biggest hug. She hasn't been that happy coming offstage in years. You have boosted her confidence and I love it!".”

    — Melissa, Client Parent